Refine Your
Music Smartly
With AiPT

Stop searching for the song you need. Create it.

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absolute element absolute element

Work Smarter & Faster

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Apply AI to all aspects of music creation to improve your workflow.

Masive Tools

We make tool so rich to make creation simple but amazing

Leading AI Tech

We make tool so rich to make creation simple but amazing

Rapid Iteration

We make tool so rich to make creation simple but amazing

Easy To Use

We make tool so rich to make creation simple but amazing

How It Works

Use our preset algorithms to compose in pre-defined styles.

Create Unlimited Music

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Operational Excellence

Make an intro shorter or change position of the chorus. Match the song to video.

Innovative Composition

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting ipsumd been text.

No Licensing Headache

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Operational Excellence

Make an intro shorter or change position of the chorus. Match the song to video.

Innovative Composition

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting ipsumd been text.

Customize The Songs

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Operational Excellence

Make an intro shorter or change position of the chorus. Match the song to video.

Innovative Composition

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting ipsumd been text.

No Copyright Strikes

absolute element

Operational Excellence

Make an intro shorter or change position of the chorus. Match the song to video.

Innovative Composition

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting ipsumd been text.

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Explore A Variety Of Theme &
Mood Templates


Choose a Plan

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Each plan helps you to create the perfect music for your project.

    • Standard Plan

      For Personal Projects

      Free / per month
      Free / per year
      ★ Basic data analysis and visualization;
      ★ Pre-built machine learning models;
      ★ Access to public datasets;
      ★ Simple natural language processing;
      ★ Basic image recognition;
      TRY FREE
    • Standard Plan

      For Personal Projects

      Free / per year
      ★ Basic data analysis and visualization;
      ★ Pre-built machine learning models;
      ★ Access to public datasets;
      ★ Simple natural language processing;
      ★ Basic image recognition;
      TRY FREE
    • Premium Plan

      For Comercial Use

      $7.42 / per month
      $1100 / per year
      ★ Advanced machine learning models;
      ★ Custom model training;
      ★ High-performance computing resources;
      ★ Robust natural language processing;
      ★ Advanced computer vision;
    • Premium Plan

      For Comercial Use

      $1100 / per year
      ★ Advanced machine learning models;
      ★ Custom model training;
      ★ High-performance computing resources;
      ★ Robust natural language processing;
      ★ Advanced computer vision;
    • Enterprise Plan

      For Organisations Use

      Custom / per month
      $3000 / per year
      ★ Advanced chatbot development tools;
      ★ Data cleansing and enrichment services;
      ★ Enterprise-level security;
      ★ Advanced predictive analytics;
      ★ AI-powered recommendation engines;
    • Enterprise Plan

      For Organisations Use

      $3000 / per year
      ★ Advanced chatbot development tools;
      ★ Data cleansing and enrichment services;
      ★ Enterprise-level security;
      ★ Advanced predictive analytics;
      ★ AI-powered recommendation engines;

Millions Of People
Like AiPT

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Files Processed

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